Monday, April 29, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wait for a sunny day.
With a large sharp knife cut out a piece of the sky
and use it as a tablecloth.
Watch clouds and Venus
pass beneath your cereal bowl each morning.

Watch the tablecloth with friends one night
with the lights out
and together see falling stars,
the glint of a full moon in each other's eyes.

If a beloved old pet dies,
wrap the body in the sky tablecloth and
bury them together in your garden.

Plant sunflowers here.

John Starnes 1991
As Luck Would Have It

As luck would have it
the cold white terror of youth
often diffuses, with time,
into warm pastels.
Sharp corners become rounded, 
burnished by a heart
that fears less and less.

This is the grace of growing older.

As luck would have it
the frenzied quest for Another
can leave a trail of cold ashes
leading back to ourselves...
Only then into our own company and comfort
can another quietly enter.

This too is grace.

As luck would have it
Death often waits
until all the wounds have healed
until all the right colors have glimmered
within every darkness,

until at last
grace is a gift of Light
that we can give
and take

with a turn of our eyes.

John Starnes 1984