Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hi folks, I think you might enjoy seeing some of this exhibit by Yoko Ono in Ft. Meyers, Florida last night where the people who attend PARTICIPATE in each work of art based on the notion of working together for a more peaceful world. Stan drove Susan, Maria and me down in comfort, awesome driver so I quickly relaxed in the back seat. (some folks terrify me to be passenger!) This exhibit is called 'Imagine Peace', which includes an all white chess game so you quickly lose track of who your opponent is, her famous Wish Tree where people attach their wishes, "Parts of a Light House" from 1965 sculpture of illuminated glass prisms, 'Mend Piece' where people work together to glue back together a broken model of the Earth, another where people to use ink stamps to stamp IMAGINE PEACE on differing maps, and more. Very moving to participate in vs. just looking at art on the wall. SO GLAD I went! I was so honored to make friends with the lecturer Kevin Concannon, who recognized my name from a Yoko forum on Yahoo I've belonged to for maybe 20 years and who co-authored in 2002 the remarkable coffee table book 'YES Yoko Ono' that my friend Renee has been relishing for two months now. And I was STUNNED when the gallery director took Susan, Stan and me into his office and asked me to smash a ceramic Earth for the next run of Mend Piece!! Stan shot a video of my doing that. So it was ONE very heady evening with many positive energy fun people. Last night was the opening....I think it runs two weeks. Enjoy, John