Wednesday, June 8, 2011

An e-mail to a local friend who said that the "Liberal Media" (yeah the same one instrumental to the Bush Regime lying America into TWO wars of choice for profit) goes after Sarah Palin etc. like a pitbull but ignores the transgressions of "left leaning" public figures. John

"Slip of the tongue is one thing.....being grossly informed is another. Sarah had to be informed that Africa is a continent not a country. She did not have a CLUE as to the substance of Paul Revere's ride. When she stated in that ludicrous "Creation Science" museum that the fossil on display (human footprint inside dino track) that this showed that the Earth was 4,000 years old and that humans lived with dinosaurs, she had to be informed those "fossils" have been being made in the area by locals for many years who sell them roadside to tourists. I watched her rant on and on on Fox News, over and over, that "Iraq can't be allowed to have nuclear weapons"..... not one Fox talking head asked "do you mean IRAN?". Or that recent Conservative, who in a lengthy talk told people that when they see "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" in the Constitution to keep reading;  he had to be informed that is in The Declaration of Independence. There is no excuse for such ignorance in people who habitually condescend to Liberals like me who actually make it a priority to be informed vs. parroting talk show hosts. Sarah has no substance...if she looked like Helen Thomas she'd still be in Wasilla running their formerly in the black budget even deeper into the red despite all the "Socialist" pork barrel money she got. I normally hate sexual insults, but time and again two phrases pop into mind when she tries to "enlighten America"......."bimbo" and "dumb c_ _t". I will never forgive McCain for unleashing her on America...but hey she is perfect for "Bread and Circuses" as the fabric of the nation continues the unravelling the Bush Regime willfully began.

As to the Liberal media ignoring Liberal fuck ups...they sure went after Clinton and Weiner for sex stuff, or the Obama birth certificate scam, Minister Wright, Pretty Boy John's affair, etc.


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