Thursday, January 28, 2010

An Illegal War is State Terrorism

It sickens me no end that war criminal and mass murderer George Bush, instead of facing justice for violating the UN Charter and the Geneva Conventions by deceiving his own countrymen into "supporting" an illegal immoral NEEDLESS war that has cost the lives of 4,700 U.S. troops and 1.3 MILLION Iraqis while savaging the U.S. Treasury, he instead gets a taxpayer-subsidized pension and health care plan the rest of us could never dream of. And his British partner in crime, Tony Blair, gets similar coddling and is awarded incredibly high paying corporate positions. This article addresses Blair's war crimes. I hope I live to see both blood stained sociopaths face justice for the vast scale of their crimes against humanity, shackled and in orange jump suits. The memory of cocky, self-satisfied Bush in his butch little flight suit on that aircraft carrier makes me as livid and disgusted as on that day.

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