Monday, March 29, 2010

10 minute video on the plight of Gaza

I wish all Americans, since their taxes are used to fund these perennial crimes, would miss 10 minutes of 'Dancing with the Stars' and watch this eyeopener. Israel long ago ceased to be a safe homeland for Jews, or to even follow the basics tenets of Judaism, yet after each new US-funded atrocity, they retreat either into the role of "victim", or used that tried and true "you are anti-Semitic" when their policies are contested. As a homosexual man, this reminds me of some truly obnoxious, in-your-face gay men and lesbians I've known, who, when confronted about their very vulgar carryings on in public, rather than own that and apologize and seek to behave better, trot out that good old reliable hiss "YOU'RE HOMOPHOBIC!".

Since Israel thumbs its nose at the US and the Geneva Conventions and dozens of UN resolutions (like 242, which lies at the heart of the crisis), along with human decency as regards their shocking treatments of Gazans, since they attacked the USS Liberty in 1967 and got away with murder, yet again, since Israel agents were arrested in a public park in New York while filming 9-11 and CHEERING as the horror unfolded, and since they say they are "God's Chosen People" (which means the other 6.5 BILLION of us aren't in their view) I hope the U.S. cuts off the billions in cash and weapons and let's their "God" take care of them. Google "Jews and Rabbis against Israel or Zionism" for glimmers of hope that Jews around the world are realizing that Israel, daily, violates the very essence of the Jewish faith. This "God gave us this land 3,000 years ago" claim is conveniently unverifiable. But they use it perennially to occupy lands, like the Shebba Farms breadbasket, that has been inhabited for MANY centuries by Arabs, Muslims and Christians alike. I wonder if that is how they justify the widespread phenomenon of Orthodox Jews spitting on Christians in Israel?

I am so ashamed I was a kneejerk supporter of Israel all my life until the spring of 2001 when I FINALLY made it a priority to be informed by sources other than corporate US media. John

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