Wednesday, May 11, 2011

             Love is a cool,  green     Light

Love is a cool,  green     Light
bending around dark corners,
surprising us.

It is a friendly hand pressed against
the small of the back.
It is a hungry finger tracing a warm line
up a thigh.

It is a smirk, then a whisper.

Love is a touch
filling in the soft hollows
our names have left in history.

All these things and more
weave a filament that shines a rare light,
 revealing us.

It erases the shadow of an old gray pain
aching to be healed, at last,
by the sheen of trusting eyes.

Love is a cool,   green    Light
that preceded the world.
It glimmers inside every child, every forest.

And it borrows its scent
from rare herbs
as it follows the wind,

healing us.

John Starnes 1994

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