Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I now agree...Birds ARE Dinosaurs

For years I've noticed that birds, like reptiles, have a cloaca that transmits urine, feces and eggs vs. an anus, etc. Many dinosaurs had beaks and were warm-blooded and they laid eggs. My chickens' legs have LONG struck me as looking like little T-rex feet...just check out these photos from a rooster I slaughtered and baked last week (dinosaurs taste just like chicken!). When I was preparing that rooster's carcasse I again noticed the vestigial finger on the wing that still clearly has an exposed reptilian claw. Then there are the vast numbers of extremely detailed fossils from China that reveal every step of evolution towards flying birds from running and gliding feathered theropod dinosaurs, with very clearly preserved fossil feathers in the fine-grained shale......even T-Rex had feathers! Recovery and analysis of ancient DNA from fossilized T-Rex leg bones show that the closest known relative is the ostrich. Freakin' amazing! This is all so fascinating to me as someone who has loved dinosaurs and prehistoric life in general since early childhood. The articles and images below offer nice encapsulizations of current knowledge and opinion. Enjoy! John

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