Friday, December 17, 2010

My Victorian workout and reading room

As a rosarian since 1989 I've been given a GREAT many Old Rose-themed gifts over the years, especially the wonderful china and other treasures my ex-neighbor in Denver, Cherrie Buskhol, bought for me at yard sales and estate sales. In my Denver home my bedroom was done in a hard core Victorian theme to display the collection; here in my Tampa home I turned a rarely used second bedroom into my Victorian workout and reading and writing room. Here are several views taken over time of what many visitors say is their favorite room in my "home interior as art project in progress" due to its stark contrast to my 'Undersea Fantasy Bathroom' and 'Gay Trailer Trash on Acid Livingroom. As usual, nearly all the furniture was scavenged, as was the paint for the walls and floor. Enjoy, John

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