Monday, January 4, 2010

11 minute video about the American Sheeple

This piece cuts close to the bone, is anything but a salve for the American ego, and reminds me that the sad truth behind John Lennon's 'Working Class Hero' released almost forty years ago is in prime force in the 21st century.

"Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV, and you think you're so clever and classless and free, but you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see".

Millions of Americans can tell you in infinite detail the latest Survivor or Dancing with the Stars trivia while obliviously passive about the FACT that the Bush regime lied America into invading Iraq, and that the "good war" in Afghanistan was initiated on a false premise. Gandhi and King and Susan B. Anthony made clear that peaceful civil disobedience is a powerful force against social injustice. Brave white Americans harbored escaped black slaves even though that was "against the law". Germans hid Jews in their attacks in defiance of the laws created by their own government. American women, despite brutal attacks by police, walked one at a time as brave individuals into voting booths and voted even though that was "against the law". There is SOME hope......millions of Americans like me enjoy cannabis even though it was made illegal 80 years ago by under the table manueverings by the liquor trade and Congress as Prohibition (which tens of millions of Americans ignored) came to an end, The income tax is a violation of the US Constitution, as are the UNDECLARED wars now used habitually to enrich a tiny elite. Like the guy at the end says, which line will our "elected" government cross before we drop the remotes and our own fear based on believing we have no power, and simply refuse to cower?

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