Thursday, January 21, 2010

A remarkable dream I had last night!

Last night I had an astonishingly complex, long, satisfying "adventure" dream that near the end featured TWO breathtaking LENGTHY flying sequences that once again involved me flying with others vs. alone as has been the case my whole flying scene triggered a heartwarming innocent romance with this sweet, handsome shy man initially flying beside me.
The frustration is that when I awoke, lying there dazzled by what my mind had devised for my pleasure while I slept, filled with an urge to share it with friends via an e-mail and maybe a blog post, I realized immediately that the dream was SO long and complex, with multiple plots, subsplots, LOTS of scene changes, set mostly inside a gigantic hotel, sweeping emotions from humor to terror at a horrific murder scene that ended up being comedic Tim Burton style, especially those breathtaking flying scenes over a paradise valley filled with dinosaurs, jungles, glaciers, a hillside party of pretentious ultra-wealthy people and SO much more, I just would not stand a chance of capturing the visual and emotional lushness of the dream.
This dream REALLY makes me wish I had a video cam in my would have made a remarkable full length movie! Maybe all I can do is share what I have, and post this to encourage folks to try that dream recall method my college psyche professor blessed me with in 1976 that I've shared here prior. It seems a selfish waste to not be able to fully share what I saw and experienced last chilly night in my cozy bed with the mattress warmer on.

That scene where me and my friends dove off the roof of that towering hotel and flew as a "flock" down into that breathtakingly beautiful valley below, soaring like swallows to check out the dinosaurs and other stunning sights, fills me with joy to recall as it seemed SO VERY REAL.

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